Monday, December 27, 2010

Important steps to follow when adopting a pet

So what are the few things you should do to get started  if your family is considering adopting a pet? Here are a few things !

1. Make sure you understand the responsibility a pet brings and how it might change your life. Depending on what type of pet you are getting this is a very long commitment. Think about why you want a pet and if the reasons you want the pet are long term reasons or a response to something happening in your life right now.

2. Research the animal you are considering. Find out what that animal needs in terms of daily care, equipment, veterinary visits, and regular expenses, including food expenses based on type of animal and breed. Find out the typical characteristic for the breed. Although every animal is different many breeds have been bred specifically to display certain traits. Research your chosen breed and verify that the typical traits of that breed will fit with your family and lifestyle.Make a list of characteristics that you are looking for in a pet and use that to focus you toward a breed rather than choosing a breed based on their looks.

3. Get your family and home ready. Decide what tasks each person is responsible for. Pet proof your home to make sure there are no dangers to your pet and set up designated areas for your pets food, bed or cage, also decide what areas will be off bounds to your pet.

4. Visit SPCA or adoption sites daily. New animals arrive daily so if you dont find the pet that suits your family the first time be patient. Ask the shelter staff for help. They will have insights into the personalities of the pets in their care and may be able to guide you to an animal that would be a good fit. Bring the list of pet characteristics that you made in step 2 with you.

5. Set rules and ensure that they enforced consistently, by all family members. In order for your pet to learn good manners and habits they need to know the rules. If the rules arent being enforced consistently the animal becomes confused and this will lead to behavior issues.

6. Play with your pet; let them get used to their new environment. If you have another pet at home or small children short supervised interactions will help your pet become accustomed to their new family members. Take time to get to know your pet. Every animal has a different personality. The more time you spend with your pet engaging in a variety of activities the happier and healthier your pet will be.

Adopting a pet is not an easy task, or one that should be taken lightly. It is a serious commitment that all family members must to ready to make. Once you get through the initial adjustment period though the rewards of owning a pet will make it all worthwhile.

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